Can I check my email from home even though my email software checks them from work?
Yes, you can check your email from any browser by going to
You will be prompted for a username and password. Your username is your entire email address including the @ symbol and your domain. These fields are case sensitive.
If you have your mail software set to delete your messages from the server, you'll want to change your settings to allow a copy to be left on the server for a certain number of days.
Can I change my email password once it has been assigned?
Yes. You can change your password by logging on to your email account on Roundcube. Once you're in Roundcube, click the "settings" button in the upper right hand corner. There will be 4 tabs on the top of the new screen. The tab for password is on the right. Enter your current password and new password and click "save".
Keeping a "Clean" e-mail box
Whether you use another program to check your email or not, you'll want to configure your account on the server so that your account doesn't fill up and begin rejecting e-mail. Best practice is to login to your account using Roundcube. Go to the “settings” in Roundcube (upper right corner), and then select “server settings” (on the left hand side bottom) – and check “clear Trash on Logout” and “compact Inbox on logout” and save. This will empty your trash whenever your email is checked and will prevent your account from getting too full. Additionally, you should not leave more than 2 weeks of e-mail on the server because it will cause programs like Outlook to fail when trying to download all of the information.
Help! I can send e-mail, but I can't receive suddenly
See above "Keeping a Clean E-mail Box". In addition, you'll need to log in to Roundcube mail and manually empty your spam, junk and trash folders and any unneeded email in the inbox. Once you have space again, the server will begin delivering all of your missing e-mail, but this process may take a few hours to complete, but most e-mails will show up as soon as there is space.
Which type of account should I have if I use an email client to check my mail?
As part of our Web hosting packages, we offer two different email technologies: POP and IMAP. They each have pros/cons – but most of our clients are able to use these options, to create a workable system.
You can use either one, depending on your needs. Some people use POP on their desktop machine, and IMAP on their mobile.
Incoming Mail: All messages are stored locally (and on the server for 14 days).
Outgoing Mail: All messages are stored locally only.
Pros: Requires less server space
Cons: Messages are only available on the machine that they were sent from or received to
Incoming Mail: All messages stored locally and on the server indefinitely
Outgoing Mail: All messages stored locally and on the server indefinitely
Pros: All messages are available on any device, at any time
Cons: Requires more server space. Required: creating an archive folder on your Desktop machine to periodically archive messages (can be done automatically)
Clients are welcome to use IMAP, which will provide all messages, all the time, on all machines. However, once an email account contains more than 2GB of messages, you will need to archive old messages (and they will no longer be available, except on a Desktop machine.)
What settings should I use to set up my email in my mail client?
Your account type is a pop3 account or imap
Your incoming and outgoing mail servers are both:
Your incoming port will need to be set to 995 for pop3 accounts or 993 for imap accounts and your outgoing to 587. Your setting should indicate that you require an encrypted connection (SSL) and the type of encryption is TLS. View full tutorial for more detials.
What settings should I use to set up my email on my Smart Phone?
Smart Phone set up varies from phone to phone. The best rule of thumb is to take your pop3 or iMap settings and ask your phone provider about the specifics or find instructions online or call us for help.
I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?
It is important to keep your password memorized or written down somewhere securely because we do not keep records of your password. If you have forgotten your password and can not retrieve it, we are able to reset your password by logging into the server and assigning a new password, but you will have to change the password anywhere it saved like in your email software (such as Outlook).
Additional help setting up e-mail clients:
We can provide additional assistance in setting up accounts at our hourly rate. If you need addtional help configuring your e-mail client, please call us for assistance at 608-663-9000.